HARVARD CS50 - From binary to letters and colours

HARVARD CS50 - From binary to letters and colours

What computer science is?

Computer science is about problem-solving, and very often solving problems as a team and using computers. Computers are very simple, at the end of the day, it’s a tool that rather has o, not electricity. And electricity is the main resource to drive all the technology.

So by deciding if there is electricity or not, we can define a binary system, and computers speak this exact language of 0s and 1s which is called binary. This binary language is a direct mapping between no-electricity/0 and electric/1.

But if computers can only do zeros and ones, how they can do useful things?

In the same way, we have different numerical patterns. For example 123 for us, humans are “one hundred twenty-three”,  computers can also recognize patterns but based on places 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. Therefore computers are using the powers of two, not surprisingly binary.

Therefore for a computer, a representation of the number 3 is the following:


The representation of number 4 is the following:


So theoretically we can represent any number that we want with binary, only if we have enough bits.

But what are these bits?

Bits are slots that can store a binary value, so for example if I have 3 bits I can store a value up to 7 if all of the themes are storing a 1.

All of this is amazing, but how do we store more useful information in binary? How do we get from 0 and 1 to letters?

We just need to agree that any letter has a constant value, let’s say letter A is 65, B is represented by 66 and C is 67, and so on. This system is called ASCII, or American Standard Code for Information Interchange. So this is how we can represent HI! In ASCII and binary


But ASCII cannot represent all the symbols that we use for communication, therefore we started to use something called Unicode, where we can use one or two or three or even four bytes. So eight bits or 16 bits, 24 bits, or even 32 bits to represent characters. And now, we can represent thousands or even millions of characters. Unicode is often a specific version of it called UTF-8.

Now once we solved the problem of communication via binary, how can we represent colors and therefore images with our binary system?

Our screen is made of pixels, which are little dots and all images that we see on our screen are a sequence of pixels each lighting with a specific color. So we can use also a system that says to each pixel in which color should it light up, and this system is called RGB - red, green, blue. This system uses 3 bytes, each byte to specify how much of a color between Red Green and Blue should a pixel display. So we can say that each byte can go from a range of 0 to 255, where 0 means no color and 255 means most of the color.

Let’s say we want a nice pastel orange color, now an RGB representation of such a color would be 255, 178, 71.


So in this case, we would say to our pixel, give us a maximum of the red, being 255, give us 178 of green and 71 of blue, therefore RGB(255, 178, 71).

And we can conclude that every image, video, or user interface in our computers is a collection of data in RGB code system that is then translated into binary.